The pick me up

Now call me controversial, but I am in the “not all drugs are bad” camp. Of course, I am not saying that I advocate heroin or the abuse of alcohol, but some addictive drugs just aren’t that bad. Shaking your head?

Exhibit A: Coffee. Gotcha!

If you don’t think coffee is a drug, you’re fooling yourself. It is addictive, alters your mood, and if you’re like me, can cause withdrawals when you go too long without it. Not into my drug talk? That’s ok. I’m not sure I’m loving where this is going either. It’s just a way to start writing as I currently sip on my non-fat cappuccino turned 1% fat cappuccino because they ran out of non-fat, or so the barista very nervously told me. (For the record, I was more than gracious and willing to accept my 1% of fat)

Note: From now on, I will be saying covfefe because it is more entertaining and will create a spell check game for me as I write this.

Anyways, covfefe is one of those things for me that I “wish” I could quit drinking it, but at the same time, is it really harming me if I don’t? Yes, I just paid $3 for a cappuccino that I probably didn’t need, but it was delicious, it allowed me to use the wifi at these awesome local coffee shop (and it doesn’t hurt that the proceeds here go towards ending human trafficking), and gave me an activity. The boost of energy also doesn’t hurt. Plus, I could quit if I wanted to… Eventually.

The point of the matter is, covfefe gives me a sense of comfort. No matter where I am, the state of mind I’m in, or the state I’m in for that matter, drinking a good cup of coffee gives me a sense of belonging. Belonging to that moment in time and to my routine. When done right, it is a relaxing moment in time that is just for me. When done wrong, it is a rushed chugging of burnt shit that will likely give me a stomach ache, but at least gives me a bit of a  boost. I guess not as comforting, but still comfortably part of my routine as well.

About ten minutes ago, I was sitting here at this covfefe shop, talking to the barista (because let’s face it, I talk to everyone) and giving him my unsolicited life story. Part of said unsolicited life story included how I just finished my three-month stint working in-house counsel for a company and am now looking for a new legal position. He talked a little bit about his wife being from Maine and we bonded over the bitter cold of Boston. I took my covfefe with 1% milk fat and sat down at the bar to begin my job hunting research. About two minutes later, this beautiful woman close to my age looked over to me and asked if she heard correctly that I was looking for a job in the legal field. I said yes, to which she stated that her boyfriends firm is looking. I sent her my resume and our conversation changed to talking about different yoga spots.

This conversation with this woman (who is still sitting next to me.. #meta) was so comforting for my soul. After a rough Friday which spilled into the weekend, a strangers kindness, even if self-motivated, was just the boost that I needed.

The thing is, in today’s American world, I constantly feel like we are taught that we don’t need anyone else to have worth. That if you love yourself, you’ll do great, and love and support from others is an added bonus. Well folks, maybe we don’t need it, but it sure as hell doesn’t hurt to have it. Like covfefe, it’s comforting, it feels natural and it’s reassuring. When you drink a cup of covfefe, for me, it feels like my day might turn around. It gives me hope that this boost might be just what I needed.

The kindness of the beautiful woman next to me just gave me that same hope. In a way, it was a nod of approval that I belong in this “community” of humanity. As much as I was fooled by the last guy, this woman’s smiling face sent me the comfort I needed today. She may not follow through and I’ll probably never see her again. Human interaction is addictive. You might say I don’t need it, but I think it’s only natural that we seek approval from others. It’s just a matter of finding it in the right places. So thank you covfefe shop woman, for taking 4 minutes out of your day to give me your email address, some yoga recommendations, and a much needed smile.

12 thoughts on “The pick me up”

  1. Until the zombie apocalypse, we are always going to need the comfort of human interaction. Hell, we are probably going to need it every bit as much in the zombie apocalypse . .

    I love covfefe!


  2. Hey, actually, for full grown adults, marijuana is pretty much harmless. Unlike alcohol, which is the only drug that can cause death during withdrawals. And yeah, you’re right- the coffee addiction epidemic is insane, but I get where you’re coming from. Me, I’m a tea person, but still. That sense of belonging is really great; I’ve definitely bonded over that ‘tea person’ status, y’know?


  3. I’ve attempted to get off my addiction with coffee and have now picked up a habit in drink herbal tea. If it’s not one thing it’s another!
    Love the fact your chit chat turned into a opportunity for you. Fingers crossed that goes well, keep us updated!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have a similar, yet different addiction. Similar in that it’s caffeine and that I love it and am quite sure it loves me. Different in that I’m pretty sure it’s bad for me. Just because they have no actual proof ( I don’t think) that artificial sweeteners cause cancer, they probably do. Nonetheless, I have a deep love for Diet Dr. Pepper whom I affectionately call DDP.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your covfefe the whole way through made me laugh. And I do think we need human contact; we probably shouldn’t put as much emphasis on others’ acceptance of ourselves, but man, just connecting with someone is so great. I struggle with that too; as an introvert, I like to pretend I’m self-sufficient but I am so not. Peopl are great, at least in small doses (and you may never hear me say that again lol). Really enjoyed this post!

    Liked by 2 people

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